As part of the wind-down of its horticultural activities, the AHDB levy board is transferring royalties of two commercialised research projects back to the industry.
Defra ministers have agreed to the transfers:
- As a member of the former East Malling Strawberry Breeding Club, the AHDB has received a share of some released varieties, averaging £85,000 over the six years to 2021. These shares have been transferred to British Berry Growers.
- The AHDB is a 25% royalty partner with Lancaster University regarding jasmonic acid, with royalties totalling £40,000 per year. This has been transferred to the British Protected Ornamental Association.
The dissolution of AHDB Horticulture was agreed upon by a ballot of levy payers in May 2021 and the process has involved transferring EAMU and EA services to Horticulture Crop Protection Limited; the completion of more than 78 research contracts and the creation of a legacy website, enabling access to past research.